We have phased out active development. Read more.

How to enable accessibility mode

WP Coupons has accessibility mode which allows it to work better for those that might be visually impaired or are using a screen reader. Accessibility mode disables the use of visual UI elements in the plugin settings such as checkbox toggles and hovering tooltips.

How to enable accessibility mode

Follow the steps below to enable Accessibility Mode.

Step 1

Click into the WP Coupons plugin settings.

WP Coupons plugin settings
WP Coupons plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Extras” tab and then on the “Tools” sub-section

WP Coupons tools
WP Coupons tools

Step 3

Enable the “Accessibility Mode” option and click “Save Changes.”

Enable Accessibility Mode in WP Coupons
Enable Accessibility Mode in WP Coupons

How to fix the unable to process your payment error

It’s rare, but if you receive the following error while trying to pay with a credit card, below are steps on how to fix it.

Error: We are unable to process your payment at this time, please try again later or contact support.

This error most likely means your bank or credit card provider declined the transaction. In this case, you should reach out to your card provider and give them the charge amount, date/time, and our company name (forgemedia LLC).

Your bank/card provider will be able to tell you why the charge was declined. They can also add us to their allow list so that you can make your purchase.

How VAT works and is collected (value-added tax)

Value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax on the value added to goods and services; in our case, digital products. Perfmatters is sold by forgemedia LLC, a business registered in the United States. However, we are still required to charge value-added tax (VAT) for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions to those in the EU and the UK. The VAT rate is set by each country.

For business-to-business transactions (B2B), we do what is called a reverse-charge VAT. If your business is registered in the EU or the UK and you a valid VAT number, you will be exempt from VAT. You simply need to enter a valid VAT number on checkout.

VAT number on checkout
VAT number on checkout


If you are getting an error when trying to check your VAT ID on checkout, follow the recommendations below.

Confirm correct VAT ID format

Make sure you are typing the VAT ID in the correct format, including the two-character country code. For example, a VAT ID for Germany will look something this: DE123456789.

Make sure you’re using a valid VAT ID number

Check that your VAT number is up to date and valid. If you are in the EU, you can do this on the European Commission’s website. This is a real-time system that checks the validity of VAT identification numbers against the databases maintained by member states.

European Commission VAT number validation
European Commission VAT number validation

If you are in the UK, you can do this on the GOV.UK website. This is a real-time system that checks the validity of VAT identification numbers against the databases maintained by businesses registered in the UK.

Validate UK VAT number
Validate UK VAT number

If your VAT number appears as invalid, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. You would need to reach out to your own tax authority for assistance.


If you get the following error, it most likely means that the EU VIES database is down. They are quick to fix this. We recommend trying to purchase again in a few minutes.

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn’t load from ‘http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/checkVatService.wsdl’: Premature end of data in tag html line 1


I’m not located in the EU or UK, am I still charged VAT?

If your billing address is registered outside of the EU or UK, you will not be charged VAT on checkout. This is automatically determined by the country you choose.

I’m not in the EU or UK, will you validate my VAT number?

At this time, we only support reverse-charge on VAT for customers in the EU or UK with valid VAT numbers.

Who gets the VAT?

VAT is collected by us and submitted each quarter to its respective EU member state or UK tax authority.

Troubleshooting license key activation

You will want to ensure your license is active for two reasons:

  1. To receive automatic updates for the plugin in your WordPress dashboard. This includes new features, bug fixes, and compatibility improvements we release. Many of the features we add come directly from user feedback.
  2. To get technical support from our team when you need it.

Below are a few common reasons why your license key might not be activating properly.

Your license key has expired

Your license key automatically renews every year until canceled. We send out multiple email reminders to let you know. However, there is a number of reasons why this might not work, such as:

  • You have canceled your automatic payment profile
  • Your credit card has expired
  • You close or changed PayPal accounts

You can renew an expired license key using either of these methods:

  1. From your Account page. Log into your Account, click on “View License”, and click on the “Renew Now” link.
  2. From the Checkout. Find the plugin and click the Purchase button. On the Checkout, you will see a “Click to renew an existing license” link. Click here, paste your expired (or soon-to-expire) license key, and click “Apply License Renewal.” You can then complete the purchase to renew your existing license key.
WP Coupons renew an existing license
WP Coupons renew an existing license

Your license key is already in use

The number of sites you can activate your license key on depends on the license you purchased.

  • 1 Site – Personal
  • 3 Sites – Business
  • Unlimited Sites (no limit)

You can install and activate the Perfmatters plugin on your local development or staging environment without impacting your activation count. Learn more.

If you need to activate the plugin on more sites than your current license key permits, you can upgrade at any time from your account.

Security plugin is blocking activation

Some WordPress security plugins may block connections to our licensing server (API requests), which would prevent you from activating your license key. An easy way to test this is to temporarily disable the security plugin and try activating your license again.

According to EDD, the iThemes Security plugin is known to have a setting that can cause this issue. The setting is called “Filter Suspicious Query Strings in the URL.”

To resolve the issue, simply disable the “Filter Suspicious Query Strings in the URL” setting. If you are not using iThemes Security, it will be named something different, though similar.

.htaccess file blocking activation

Some WordPress sites have special rules configured in a .htaccess file on the server to add additional protection. However, this means it might also be blocking our licensing server (API request). You can try removing the special rules and activating your license key again. If you are unsure if you have something configured or not, your hosting provider might be able to help.

Coming soon or maintenance mode plugin blocking activation

Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode WordPress plugins sometimes block all external requests. This means it might prevent you from activating your license key. An easy way to test this is to temporarily disable the plugin and try activating your license again.

Outdated cURL version or host blocking requests

cURL is used for transferring data with URLs. Your WordPress site uses cURL to reach out to our licensing server for activation. If you are having problems activating, it could be due to an outdated PHP cURL extension on your web host.

Or it could be they are blocking outgoing connections. You can check this with the free Query Monitor plugin. Install it and click on the WP Coupons’ “License” tab. If they are blocking it, you might see an error like this:

cURL error 7: Failed to connect to wpcoupons.io port 443: Connection timed out…

Here’s a copy-and-paste message you can send your hosting provider for them to check:

I’m currently installing a WordPress plugin on my site which uses the PHP cURL extension. Can you please confirm the following?

– The PHP cURL extension is installed and updated to at least version 7.68
– HTTP requests to https://wpcoupons.io are not blocked


You can also provide us with the IP address of your website (server) to confirm that our hosting provider isn’t blocking your requests.

SSL error

We run the latest versions of OpenSSL on our servers. If your hosting provider is using an older version of OpenSSL, it could generate an SSL handshake error such as SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO. You should ask your hosting provider to update OpenSSL to the latest version.

403 forbidden error

A quick way to see if there is a 403 forbidden error is to install the free Query Monitor plugin temporarily and check the HTTP API Calls tab while refreshing the Perfmatters licensing page. A 403 error means there is a problem on your WordPress site preventing it from communicating with our licensing server.

You can provide us with the IP address of your website (server) to confirm that our hosting provider isn’t blocking your requests. It also could be another type of problem, in which case we recommend Kinsta’s article on how to fix a 403 forbidden error.

Still can’t activate?

If none of the troubleshooting steps above helped, please open up a support ticket.

WP Coupons Facebook Open Graph tags

When working with generated archive pages, it can be difficult to get all the Open Graph tags that you want to be added to a specific archive page.

Specifically, when using a plugin like Yoast SEO to manage Open Graph tags, there is no way to set custom Facebook Open Graph image tags to appear on an archive page like the one we use for our main Coupon Archive Template.

That’s why we have an option to set custom images for Facebook that will be printed out as Open Graph tags specifically on the Coupon Archive Template.

This is only relevant when using our Coupon Archive Template and does not apply when using the archive shortcode on a regular page.

Also see WP Coupons Twitter image meta tag.

How to install and activate WP Coupons on a staging or dev site

You can install and activate the WP Coupons plugin on your local development or staging environment without impacting your activation count. In order for this to work, your environment needs to be running on the following:

  • localhost
  • .local
  • .dev
  • dev.
  • *.test.
  • *.staging.
  • staging-*.
  • *.wpengine.com
  • *.instawp.xyz
  • *.cloudwaysapps.com
  • *.flywheelsites.com
  • *.flywheelstaging.com
  • *.myftpupload.com
  • *.kinsta.cloud

If there is a staging or development URL format you want to see added, feel free to contact us. We will consider all requests, but our decision will also be based on a number of different factors, as we can’t add every URL pattern.

Can’t pay with PayPal balance? Here’s why

We have found that some customers simply can’t pay with their PayPal balance, even though they have plenty of money in their PayPal accounts. Unfortunately, this is an issue with PayPal and therefore we have no control over this.

Typically, PayPal doesn’t allow recurring payments unless you have a credit card or bank account linked to it. It doesn’t matter how much money you have in your PayPal balance. Your account also needs to be verified.

Troubleshooting this with PayPal can be a little frustrating, as we’ve found that this applies to some people and not others. Sometimes this is due to your physical location/region or the PayPal account needing extra verification. We are based in the United States.

If you are having trouble with this, please contact us. You can also open up a ticket with PayPal to inquire why you can’t use your balance.

How Do I Cancel My Subscription(s)?

You can cancel your subscription at any time from the WP Coupon’s account page. You will retain access to support and updates until your license key expires.

Cancel subscription
Cancel subscription

Alternative Way to Cancel PayPal

If you paid with PayPal you can also cancel your automatic payment from directly within your PayPal account:

  1. Click the Settings icon next to “Log out.”
  2. Click the Payments tab, then click Manage automatic payments under “Automatic payments.”
  3. Select the payment you’d like to cancel, then click Cancel.

Translating WP Coupons

WP Coupons translation files are located in the wp-coupons/languages directory. In the languages folder, you’ll find any existing translation files along with our wp_coupons.pot translation template file, which you can use as a template for your translation. We suggest using Poedit to help create your translation files.

Please submit both .po and .mo translation files once you have done the translation work from the provided template and name them in the following format.

  • wp_coupons-en_US.po
  • wp_coupons-en_US.mo

If you are interested in helping with the translation, please contact us first.

How to Perform a Clean Uninstall of WP Coupons

Want to do a clean uninstall? No problem. 😉

Perform a Clean Uninstall of WP Coupons

When enabled, this will cause all WP Coupons options data to be removed from your database when the plugin is uninstalled. Follow the steps below.

Step 1

Click into “Settings → WP Coupons.” Then click on the “Extras” tab. Enable the “Clean Uninstall” option and click “Save Changes.”

WP Coupons clean uninstall
WP Coupons clean uninstall

Step 2

Click into “Plugins → Installed Plugins.” Deactivate the WP Coupons plugin and then click “Delete.” All the database options, settings, etc. will then be removed.

Delete WP Coupons
Delete WP Coupons