When you try to update the WP Coupons plugin you might get the following error:
An error occurred while updating wpcoupons: Download failed. Unauthorized.
There are a couple reasons why this might be happening.
- You haven’t activated the plugin yet. Follow our tutorial on how to install WP Coupons and activate it using your license key.
- If your license key is already activated, but you’re getting an “Unauthorized” message, you most likely need to remove your license key and save – then re-add it and save. This happens when your URL has changed since your license key was activated or perhaps it was being used on a staging site/dev site.
- Your license has expired and will need to be renewed. All of our licenses include 1 year of updates & support.
If none of the above options work, you can also update the plugin manually via SFTP. You can grab the latest version (.zip) from your WP Coupons’ account.