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SEO WP Coupons Archive Page

Some people might want to SEO their main WP Coupons archive page. We are a big fan of the WordPress SEO plugin (previously known as Yoast) and so this tutorial will assume you are running that.

Step 1

In your WordPress dashboard click into the WordPress SEO “Titles & Metas” options. Then click into the “Post Types” tab.

wordpress seo post types

Step 2

Scroll down and there will be a new custom post type for the WP Coupons plugin. You can then give it a title and a meta description.

wp coupons archive SEO

You can also SEO each individual coupon like you normally would a page and or post, as the WordPress SEO options will be in the bottom meta box as usual.


If you have trouble with a meta description or title not showing up, you might need to run Yoast’s indexer tool after the fact. Their indexer tool is what syncs up all the metadata.

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