Change the color scheme for your coupons.
Coupon Background Color
This will change the background color of the coupons in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Discount Background Color
This will change the background color of the discount box in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Discount Text Color
This will change the discount text color in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Expiration Date Text Color
This will change the expiration date text color in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Discount Code Background Color
This will change the background color of the discount code box in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Discount Code Text Color
This will change the discount code text color in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
CTR Folded Corner Color
This will change the color of the folded corner on the Click to Reveal coupon panel buttons (Archive, Widget, Shortcode).
Link Accent Color
This will change the accent color for text links and buttons in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Link Accent Color on Hover
This will change the accent color on hover for text links and buttons in all views (Archive, Single, Widget, Shortcode).
Separator Color
This will change the color of the separator (hr) used in the archive view.
Coupon Type Text Color
This will change the text color of the coupon type used in the archive view.
Change the various font options for your coupons.
Coupon Title Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon titles. Default: 20px
Coupon Description Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon descriptions. Default: 18px
Coupon Description Line Height
This will change the line height of your coupon descriptions. Default: 28px
Coupon Type Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon types. Default: 16px
Call to Action Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon call to actions. Default: 16px
Coupon Discount Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon discounts. Default: 16px
Expiration Date Font Size
This will change the font size of your expiration dates. Default: 14px
Coupon Discount Code Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon discount codes on the single coupon post template. Default: 16px
Coupon Button Font Size
This will change the font size of your coupon buttons. Default: 16px
Coupon Nav Font Size
This will change the font size of your primary navigation on the coupon and shortcode archives. Default: 24px
Coupon Subnav Font Size
This will change the font size of your sub-navigation (tags) on the coupon and shortcode archives. Default: 18px